Friday, 1 August 2008

Old Favourites

It's strange and sweet to see Geordie playing on and with the same quilts and toys that the girls loved. Same with the clothes, it's lovely to see old favourites used over again. Inchworm here was a great friend to both Asha and Lulu and now he's being smothered in gummy goo by their little brother. Also the mirror, who can blame the boy for staring at that beauty, it's addictive, I know I can watch him endlessly (when the housework isn't calling!). 


Sharon Larmour said...

That boy of yours is so squishable! He makes my ovaries tingle but fortunately not enough to make this old duck go back for more. I'll just have to cluck over Geordie instead.

jan said...

He is very, very cute! Enough to make any woman clucky I think :)

Kathryn Woods said...

Gorgeous. We love Inchworm here too. Both R and M had a thing for him. He's still rolling around the soft toy box.