The long hot (ish) summer has finally gone, it was a good one! It is bitter, windy, rainy, haily, thundery and lightening-y. Which is fine. That's what winter is for, as long as it doesn't last until Christmas. Asha is in her official winter uniform at V.A.S. and looks well cute in it. Thought I'd throw a pic up to show off just how cute she looks in it.
OH and got her mid year portfolio and had her interview last week .. she's doing just fine, thank you very much. Ahhhhhh.
I love it.
One of my grumbles about the local schools here is their crappy uniforms (except for Panton Hill which has a quite nice navy blue uniform and the kids always look good). Hurstbridge is green and yellow. Cack.
I've said it before but at Hurstbridge High we were Wattle trees. Big hard collared yellow shirts, green v necked jumpers, brown cords and brown desert boots. HORRID. Asha's summer uniform was cute too. I'll add a pic for reference.
Beautiful girl. She looks so grown up with her longer hair! Is she quite tall?
Oh lordy, my first high school uniform consisted of a pale pink dress *gag* with darts and a wide collar. Luckily they changed it the second year I was there.
Cute! Imogen has been in her winter uniform all term! Navy blue pinny and a white blouse. I haven't taken a photo - should do that.
Very cute :-)
Not sure if I told you that Tara's winter uniform is the same as the summer, in that they use the same pinnie and just have a long sleeve shirt and tights with a jumper or cardigan. I made Tara wear tights this morning and she cried all the way to school as she absolutely HATES them. Not even seeing her school friends would cheer her up.
Yep Maria she's really tall, about 124cm? Over the 100th percentile for her age, wears size 7 - 8.
Georgia yes! Asha's worn it all term too I've just been a bit slack with photographing it. Whoops!
Oh Trace, poor Tara I totally get why she would hate tights, totally goes against her (no) clothing policy! She'll get used to them I hope. One of the first thing Asha does when she gets home is to rip them off. If she plays in the school playground after school she does it there and then.
She's so grown up!
looks lovely :)
Thanks Kel, she's a big girl now alright!
She looks great!
Glad all is going well for her : )
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