Friday, 13 June 2008

Fresh Start

This is a fresh start for me, a purpose built online journal to keep family and friends up to date with what we're up to, to post photographs, videos, news, fluff and random otherness. Nothing clever or amazing, just snippets of our life when I can find time to put them down. 

Today I've been playing with Animoto - thanks Penni! - and making videos which I'll post here as I tried on YouTube but the quality was low. I love seeing the photos set to music, makes a real emotional connection. 

So to those I've emailed the link, bookmark it or subscribe to the posts if you know how (I don't) and I hope that I update this one more often than I did my last blog!



Kathryn Woods said...

hello lovely. Hooray for a blog! And the chance to see regular snippets of your life. And to read your thoughts. :) We're very excited to be seeing you soon! xxxx

Dustyjo said...

Thanks Kath!