Thursday, 3 September 2009


I wrote a song for you, and all the things you do, and it was called Yellow. And so I took my turn, oh what a thing to have done, and it was all yellow.


Penni Russon said...

Oh I thoroughly enjoyed that. I love that song. Is that totally daggy?

Thanks for posting it.

Dustyjo said...

Of course it's not daggy, would I post it if it was daggy? MWah hahahahahaha!!

Rachel said...

lol-that was gorgeous and just what I needed. The teen has had a personality change the last few days and was just SO urk to me before-I was having a cry found that and was laughing as well as crying. Ha : )

Dustyjo said...

Glad to hear you got a smile Rach, I know my young ones can hurt my feelings at times, I'm sure a teen can be way more cutting. Hope you're on the mend Rach, wine helps. X